
Hagia Sophia Guided Tours & Tickets Skip the Line Ticket + Tour

Hagia Sophia Guided Tours & Tickets Skip the Line Ticket + Tour

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Hagia Sophia

When it comes to architectural splendor and historical richness, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, stands in a league of its own. This magnificent structure harbors the essence of Byzantine and Ottoman empires, showcasing a seamless blend of Christian and Islamic influences in its architecture and design. Here are the top five reasons why a visit to Hagia Sophia should be on your bucket list.

Firstly, its historical significance is unparalleled. As a structure that has served as a Christian basilica, an imperial mosque, and now a museum, it holds tales from different epochs, offering a deep insight into the rich history of Istanbul.

Secondly, the architectural mastery of Hagia Sophia is a sight to behold. Its dome, which appears to be floating, is an architectural marvel, demonstrating the prowess of Byzantine engineering. The structure not only embodies sophistication but has also stood resilient through earthquakes, showcasing the brilliance behind its construction.

Thirdly, the mosaic artworks in Hagia Sophia are exquisite pieces that narrate stories from a bygone era. These intricate mosaics, depicting biblical and historical figures, are living remnants of the rich cultural tapestry that once adorned this magnificent structure.

Fourthly, the spiritual resonance of the place is palpable. Despite being transformed into a museum, Hagia Sophia retains a spiritual ambiance that reverberates through its grandiose halls and silent corners, offering a place for reflection and wonderment.

Lastly, it serves as a testament to the confluence of cultures. Within its walls, you find a harmonious blend of Islamic and Christian elements, symbolizing centuries of cultural intermingling and religious reverence under one roof, thereby standing as a symbol of unity in diversity.

What to See at Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia, a masterstroke of architectural genius, offers a plethora of sights for visitors keen on delving into a rich past interspersed with grandeur and spiritual profundity. The immense dome, seemingly suspended from heaven, immediately catches your attention with its grand scale and the exquisite calligraphic panels that adorn it, a testament to the Islamic influence in the later years.

As you delve deeper, you encounter stunning mosaics depicting Christ, Virgin Mary, and Byzantine emperors, harkening back to its days as a Christian basilica. Each mosaic tells a story, evoking a rich historical narrative and showcasing a rare artistry that commands awe and reverence.

The marble pillars and the vast nave bear silent testimony to the expertise of the Byzantine engineers, a space where spirituality meets grandeur. The mihrab, a semicircular niche indicating the direction of Mecca, marks the Islamic phase of Hagia Sophia, offering an interesting insight into the layering of histories in this unique edifice.

Moreover, the seraphim angels that grace the dome’s pendentives bring in an element of mystical allure, showcasing the blend of the ethereal with the earthly, leading one into a space of contemplative wonder.

How Much Do Hagia Sophia Guided Tours Cost?

When planning a visit to the historic Hagia Sophia, one of the essential things to consider is the guided tours available to enhance your experience. While the exact pricing can vary depending on several factors including the season, the expertise of the guide, and the duration of the tour, typically, you can expect the cost to range from 30 to 100 USD per person.

Many guided tours offer a comprehensive experience, taking you through the significant historical aspects and architectural marvels of the site. It is recommended to research and book tours in advance to secure a spot, especially during the high tourist season. Opting for a guided tour can not only enlighten you with rich historical details but can also help you navigate through the massive structure more efficiently.

Moreover, there might be discounts available for students, seniors, or groups, making it a good idea to inquire about any potential savings. Keeping a flexible budget can allow you to choose a tour that not only meets your financial criteria but also offers a rich and immersive experience, helping you to unravel the deep history and magnificent architecture that the Hagia Sophia has to offer.

What Are The Best Hagia Sophia Guided Tours?

Determining the best guided tours for Hagia Sophia involves considering various factors including the knowledge of the guide, the duration of the tour, and the areas covered during the tour. However, some tours have gained reputations for offering insightful, enriching experiences to tourists.

Firstly, the official guided tours, often organized by governmental tourism bodies, tend to offer a rich and comprehensive experience, delving deep into the history and architecture of Hagia Sophia.

Another option you might consider is private tours, where a dedicated guide takes you on a personalized journey through the Hagia Sophia, tailoring the experience to your interests and pace. This is a great choice for those who prefer a more personal, in-depth exploration of the monument.

Furthermore, there are themed tours which focus on specific aspects of the Hagia Sophia, such as its architectural genius or its mosaic artworks. These tours can be great for enthusiasts who have a keen interest in a particular field.

Lastly, virtual tours have gained prominence, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These tours allow you to explore the marvels of Hagia Sophia from the comfort of your home, providing a digital yet immersive experience.

Skip the Line

When you plan a visit to a historical and popular site like Hagia Sophia, managing time efficiently becomes crucial. The “Skip the Line” service comes as a savior here, offering a golden opportunity to save time that would otherwise be spent standing in long queues. Here’s delving deeper into why opting for “Skip the Line” tours can be a wise choice:

Why Choose Skip the Lines Tours for Hagia Sophia?

Choosing a “Skip the Line” tour for Hagia Sophia isn’t just a luxury but a practical choice for many. These tours are designed to offer convenience and a hassle-free experience to visitors. Since Hagia Sophia is a prominent tourist attraction, it naturally attracts massive crowds, resulting in long waiting lines that can sometimes extend for hours.

By choosing a “Skip the Line” tour, you are not only buying a ticket to the monument but a streamlined experience that allows you more time to explore the intricacies of the historic site rather than wasting it in queues. This service is particularly beneficial for those on a tight schedule, allowing them to make the most of their limited time.

Moreover, these tours often come with the added benefit of guided tours, wherein experienced guides share in-depth knowledge about the history and architectural wonders of Hagia Sophia, thereby enriching your experience manifold.

No Long Lines

One of the most evident advantages of opting for “Skip the Line” tours is the elimination of long lines. This not only saves your time but also spares you the ordeal of standing for hours, often in harsh weather conditions, be it the scorching sun or biting cold.

This convenient option lets you plan your day better, giving you ample time to immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of the Hagia Sophia without feeling rushed. Moreover, avoiding long lines means you get to enjoy a less crowded environment once inside, as these tours often facilitate early access before the general public.

Expert Tour Guides

In the endeavor to appreciate a historically rich and complex monument like the Hagia Sophia, having an expert tour guide by your side can make a considerable difference. The profound insights and knowledgeable interpretation of the monument’s history, architecture, and artistry they offer can immensely enhance your understanding and appreciation.

An expert tour guide brings the monument to life with tales from different epochs, unraveling the layers of history encapsulated in the Hagia Sophia. They provide contextual backgrounds, helping you appreciate the details that might go unnoticed otherwise. With their guidance, you delve deeper into the stories behind the mosaic art, the intricate designs, and the architectural marvel that Hagia Sophia is, turning your visit into an enriching educational experience that stays with you for a lifetime.

Flexibility and Convenience

Choosing a guided tour for your visit to Hagia Sophia also offers unmatched flexibility and convenience. Tours are designed to cater to a variety of preferences and schedules, offering different time slots and languages, ensuring you find the one that suits you best.

Flexibility extends to the pace of the tour as well, allowing you to spend more time at spots that intrigue you the most. Moreover, many tours offer convenient meeting points or even hotel pickups, removing the hassles of finding your way to the monument, especially beneficial for first-time visitors.

The convenience of guided tours also means you have immediate access to help and support should you face any issues during your visit, making your experience smooth and enjoyable.

Enhanced Experience

Lastly, guided tours offer an enhanced experience of visiting the Hagia Sophia. They are curated to offer a comprehensive understanding of the monument, ensuring that you don’t miss out on any significant detail.

Moreover, they often come with added benefits like skip-the-line access, which we discussed before, providing a more relaxed and exclusive environment for you to enjoy the monument. This advantage is further amplified if you opt for a private tour, where the guide can tailor the information and route according to your interests, creating a personalized and deeply enriching experience.

Should I Book In Advance?

Booking your tour to the Hagia Sophia in advance comes with a plethora of advantages. First and foremost, it guarantees your spot on the tour, providing peace of mind as you plan your itinerary in Istanbul. It means that you can comfortably plan your visit knowing that you have secured your entry to one of the most visited monuments in the world.

Booking in advance also often gives you a broader range of options when it comes to selecting the tour that best suits your interests and needs. Early birds get to choose from a variety of tours – be it in terms of the language of the guide or the focus of the tour.

Furthermore, advance booking usually comes with the benefit of better deals and discounts, helping you save money that can be spent elsewhere during your trip. Moreover, it saves you from the disappointment of finding your preferred tour booked out. Hence, advance booking is a prudent choice to ensure a hassle-free and enriched experience of visiting the Hagia Sophia.

Are Guided Tours Worth It?

Investing in a guided tour while visiting a monument as historically rich as the Hagia Sophia is often worth it. Guided tours provide a deeper insight into the rich history, the architectural nuances, and the artistry that the monument beholds.

Having an expert guide walk you through the historical epochs that the monument has witnessed adds a profound depth to your visit. They can share anecdotes and facts that are not readily available in guidebooks, thus offering a richer and more immersive experience.

Moreover, guided tours often come with the added convenience of skip-the-line access, saving you time that would otherwise be spent waiting in queues. The structured pathway of a guided tour ensures a systematic and comprehensive exploration of the monument. Therefore, opting for a guided tour can indeed elevate your Hagia Sophia visit to a much more informed and comfortable experience.

Are There Any Combined Tickets or Tours Available?

Yes, there are combined tickets and tours available for those looking to explore more in a single outing. These tickets not only encompass a guided tour of the Hagia Sophia but also include visits to other iconic landmarks in Istanbul such as the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, and the Basilica Cistern, among others.

These combined tours offer a comprehensive experience of Istanbul’s historic sites, making it a convenient option for tourists. Not only do they provide a holistic understanding of Istanbul’s rich history, but they also come with the added benefit of being more economical compared to booking separate tickets for each attraction.

Why Choose the VIP Combo Ticket?

Opting for a VIP combo ticket when visiting the Hagia Sophia presents an exclusive, rich, and stress-free experience. This type of ticket is curated to provide visitors with a plethora of premium features aimed at maximizing comfort, convenience, and the overall quality of the tour. Choosing the VIP combo ticket means giving yourself a treat to a range of elite services, including a dedicated guide and preferential access to various sections of the historic site.

The Ticket Includes

The VIP combo ticket typically encompasses several features designed to elevate your visit to a VIP level. While the exact offerings can vary, they generally include skip-the-line access, allowing you to bypass the long queues and make the most of your time at the monument. Moreover, it grants access to a well-versed guide, offering deep insights and stories about the monument that go beyond the usual guidebooks.

In addition to Hagia Sophia, the combo ticket often includes entry to other prominent landmarks in Istanbul, such as the Topkapi Palace and the Blue Mosque, giving you a comprehensive and enriched tour of the historical heart of the city. It might also cover transportation services, offering you a hassle-free movement between the various sites included in the tour, and possibly even meals at selected premium restaurants, turning your tour into a delightful gastronomic experience as well.

Any Discount Available?

Discounts on the VIP combo tickets can indeed be available, making the premium experience even more accessible. The availability of discounts can vary based on various factors, including the season, the day of the week, or any ongoing promotional offer.

What is the Hagia Sophia?

The Hagia Sophia, with its rich history spanning over 1500 years, stands as a testament to both architectural grandeur and the complex history of Istanbul. Initially constructed as a Christian basilica in the 6th century, it later served as an imperial mosque following the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople, and most recently, it was secularized and opened as a museum, a status it maintained until 2020 when it was reverted back to a mosque.

Its name, derived from the Greek words “Hagia” meaning “holy” and “Sophia” meaning “wisdom”, translates to “Holy Wisdom.” The Hagia Sophia is famed for its massive and iconic dome, adorned with stunning mosaics and calligraphies, depicting a rare fusion of Byzantine and Ottoman architectural brilliance. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Hagia Sophia bears witness to the rich cultural and religious interchanges that have shaped the city of Istanbul.

Where is the Hagia Sophia?

The Hagia Sophia holds a central position in the historic area of Istanbul, Turkey. It is situated in the Sultanahmet district, a region renowned for housing some of the most significant historical sites in Istanbul. Its prime location near the Bosphorus strait allows it to dominate the skyline of Istanbul, standing as a majestic beacon of the city’s storied past. Its exact address is Sultan Ahmet, Ayasofya Meydanı, 34122 Fatih/Istanbul, Turkey, and it is easily accessible through various modes of transportation, including trams, buses, and taxis, making it a convenient spot for tourists and locals alike.

Who built the Hagia Sophia?

The construction of the original Hagia Sophia was commissioned by the Byzantine Emperor Constantius II, the son of the first Christian Emperor Constantine. However, the current structure is the third iteration, which was commissioned by Emperor Justinian I and was constructed between 532 and 537 AD. The design was conceptualized and brought to fruition by the renowned architects of that era, Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. Their revolutionary design and engineering marvels, including the massive dome supported by pendentives, have ensured the Hagia Sophia’s place in architectural history. Throughout the centuries, many other notable figures have contributed to its restoration and preservation, given the damage it suffered from natural disasters like earthquakes and human interventions during the various phases of its history.

When was the Hagia Sophia built?

The construction of the Hagia Sophia spanned several decades and involved multiple iterations due to devastating riots and natural disasters. The original structure was commissioned by Emperor Constantius II around 360 AD. After being damaged, it was rebuilt by Emperor Theodosius II and inaugurated in 415 AD. The magnificent structure that stands today, however, was constructed under the reign of Emperor Justinian I, with the construction taking place from 532 to 537 AD. This enduring edifice has witnessed the passage of over a millennium and a half, serving as a vibrant emblem of Istanbul’s intricate history.

What is in the Hagia Sophia?

The interior of the Hagia Sophia houses a rich tapestry of history depicted through its magnificent art and architectural features. It is home to stunning mosaics, some of which date back to the Byzantine era, showcasing Christian religious figures and narratives. Following its conversion to a mosque, Islamic elements were introduced, including minarets, a mihrab, and calligraphic panels displaying Arabic inscriptions.

The central nave is dominated by a massive dome, which is an architectural marvel in itself, boasting a diameter of 31 meters and rising 55.6 meters above the ground. This dome, coupled with the extensive usage of marble and decorative structures, offers a breathtaking view. The Hagia Sophia also houses tombs of several Ottoman sultans and their family members, amalgamating elements of both Byzantine and Ottoman architectural brilliance.

Is Hagia Sophia worth it?

Visiting the Hagia Sophia offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a rich historical and cultural experience. Its architectural grandeur, coupled with the intricate mosaics and calligraphic art that adorn its interior, make it a marvel worth witnessing. Moreover, its representation as a crossover between two significant epochs – the Byzantine and Ottoman periods, and between two major world religions – Christianity and Islam, grant it a deep historical significance. It stands not just as a museum or a mosque, but as a testimony to Istanbul’s vibrant history, woven with threads of diverse cultures and civilizations. Thus, a visit to the Hagia Sophia is absolutely worth it for both history enthusiasts and casual visitors, offering a glimpse into a rich tapestry of historical and artistic grandeur.

How to get guided tour tickets to Hagia Sophia?

To get guided tour tickets to the Hagia Sophia, one can leverage a range of options available today. Many online platforms offer the convenience of booking guided tours well in advance. Websites and apps of official tourism boards, as well as third-party vendors, offer a range of guided tours with various amenities included, such as skip-the-line access, expert guides, and more. Additionally, one can also purchase tickets from the official website of the Hagia Sophia or from the ticket counters available at the site. However, to avoid long queues and ensure a well-informed and enriching experience, it is advisable to book guided tour tickets in advance through reliable online platforms offering comprehensive tour packages tailored to one’s preferences and needs.

Do you need guided tour tickets in advance to Hagia Sophia?

Getting guided tour tickets in advance for your visit to Hagia Sophia is not a strict requirement but is highly recommended. By securing your tickets ahead of time, you can avoid the often long queues that form at the ticket counters, saving you valuable time during your visit. Moreover, pre-booking your tickets ensures that you get a spot on the day and time of your preference, allowing for a more organized and hassle-free trip. This is particularly beneficial during peak tourist seasons when the site sees a high footfall. Opting for advanced booking can thus enhance your visiting experience, allowing you to delve deeper into the rich history and remarkable architecture of the Hagia Sophia without any stress.

How much does it cost to visit the Hagia Sophia?

The cost to visit the Hagia Sophia can vary depending on several factors including whether you opt for a guided tour, the type of tour you choose, and the inclusions it offers. As of my last update in September 2022, the basic entry fee was around 100 Turkish Lira for foreign visitors. However, for a guided tour, the prices would be higher, potentially ranging from 150 to 500 Turkish Lira or more, depending on the depth and duration of the tour.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to check the official website or contact the official sources for the Hagia Sophia. Keep in mind that there might be various discounts available for students, seniors, and Turkish citizens, among others.

Are Hagia Sophia guided tours worth it?

Investing in a guided tour for your visit to the Hagia Sophia can indeed be worth it. Guided tours offer a structured and in-depth exploration of the monument, allowing you to fully appreciate its historical, cultural, and architectural richness. Tour guides are generally well-versed with the history and significance of the various sections of the monument, providing insights that you might miss out on if you were to visit on your own.

Top 5 Reasons that Why should I visit Hagia Sophia?

mportance in the Past: The history of humanity is woven into the very fabric of the Hagia Sophia itself. Its history as a cathedral, a mosque, and today a significant monument for all of Istanbul’s religions and cultures is on full display.

Amazing Building: The enormous central dome is a unique combination of Byzantine and Ottoman styles, and it is encircled by semi-domes, columns, and minarets. Its impressive size and design impressed many when it was built.

The surviving mosaics from the Byzantine period are works of art, and they should not be missed. Some of the most impressive works of Byzantine art are the golden tesserae, which were used to create figures against a gold backdrop.

The Hagia Sophia is a fascinating example of cultural fusion, since Christian mosaics coexist alongside Islamic calligraphy within the building. It’s a striking illustration of peaceful religious tolerance

Views from the top gallery are breathtaking, both within the building and out over Istanbul. The prominence of Hagia Sophia in the cityscape is best appreciated from this vantage point.

What To See At Hagia Sophia?

Hagia Sophia Skip-the-Line Ticket + Guided Tours

When it comes to combining architectural excellence and historical relevance, nothing compares to the Hagia Sophia. What you may anticipate throughout your stay is as follows:


The central dome is a feat of Byzantine engineering, towering 55.6 meters high with a diameter of 31.87 meters. It is an impressive sight, with smaller semi-domes around it and gigantic arches providing support.

There are four towering minarets on each side of the Hagia Sophia. They were erected by the Ottomans and add substantially to the building’s stately appearance.

Gardens & Courtyards: The façade has gardens and courtyards that have been meticulously cared for to provide a respite from the rush of Istanbul life.

As you enter, your gaze will be directed to the impressive nave, which is bathed in light from the dome’s forty-arched windows.

Astonishing Byzantine engineering is on display in the building’s more than a hundred columns of green and white marble.

Even though many Byzantine mosaics have been lost to time, those that remain are nonetheless fascinating works of art. The Deesis Mosaic, the Virgin and Child Mosaic, and the Empress Zoe Mosaic are just a few examples.

Arabic lettering was added to the roundels when the building was converted into a mosque. These bear the names of Allah, Muhammad, the first four caliphs, and Muhammad’s two grandsons.

Crowning Byzantine rulers took place in a specially designed circular structure called an Omphalion.

It is claimed that if one’s thumb is pushed into the hole in the Weeping Column and comes out wet, their desire will come true.

This upper gallery, formerly reserved for the empress and her ladies in waiting, now provides breathtaking vistas of the nave below and an up-close examination of the dome’s foundation.

The Hagia Sophia’s façade and interior both reflect its history of metamorphosis from a cathedral to a mosque to a symbol of Istanbul’s complex and multifaceted culture. A fusion of Byzantine and Ottoman architectural forms, its halls reverberate with the sounds of the past.

How much do guided tours of Hagia Sophia cost?

While there is no cost to enter Hagia Sophia, organized tours do cost money. Tour prices vary from around  per participant, depending on the tour’s length and level of detail.

How Much Do Hagia Sophia Guided Tours Cost?

Having a guide show you around the Hagia Sophia and tell you everything about its interesting history will make your visit there that much more memorable. Some of the most well-liked tour packages are as follows:

about this historical tour, you’ll hear from an expert about Hagia Sophia’s history, construction, and alterations.

Enjoy VIP treatment on a Skip-the-Line Tour and skip the lines entirely!

The Hagia Sophia is a part of many of the city’s combined tours, which also take in the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, and the Basilica Cistern.

Why Choose Skip the Lines Tours for Hagia Sophia?

The Hagia Sophia is one of Istanbul’s most popular historical attractions, and despite the fact that it is now a mosque visitors may expect to wait in line, even during off-peak times. You may avoid waiting in these lines and get faster entry into the building by booking one of the recommended Skip the Lines excursions.

Expert Tour Guides

Our suggested trips are given by professionals who are well-versed in both Byzantine and Ottoman history. They will take you on a tour of Hagia Sophia’s remarkable history as a cathedral, a mosque, a museum, and finally, a mosque once again. They provide knowledgeable analysis on the value of the building’s design and history to the community.

Flexibility and Convenience

We recommend Skip the Lines tours because of how convenient and adaptable they are. You’re free to choose a time and day that works best for you. You may choose the language you feel most familiar with thanks to the excursions’ availability in many tongues.

Enhanced Experience

Although visiting Hagia Sophia does not cost anything, taking a guided tour of the building is highly recommended. Hagia Sophia’s rich history and architectural nuances are best appreciated with the help of a knowledgeable guide. Its cultural and architectural importance in the development of Istanbul will become clear to you as you study its history.

Conceal Time

If you want to make the most of your time at Hagia Sophia, booking a Skip the Lines tour in advance is the way to go. While visiting Hagia Sophia is free, we suggest taking one of our guided tours to get the most out of your visit and learn more about the fascinating history of the building.

Should I Book In Advance?

Absolutely. The best way to guarantee your desired tour day and time is to book in advance. You may also skip waiting in line, which is very helpful at busy times.

Are Guided Tours Worth It?

Yes. Guides’ detailed explanations of the Hagia Sophia’s architecture, historical relevance, and cultural effect are invaluable. They breathe new life into the legends of emperors, sultans, and commoners who previously graced its halls over a span of centuries.

Are There Any Combined Tickets or Tours Available?

Several different combination tours exist, and each one provides a richer experience of Istanbul. Hagia Sophia is usually included of these itineraries, along with Topkapi Palace, the Blue Mosque, and the Grand Bazaar.

VIP Combo Ticket for Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace and Basilica Cistern

We strongly advise using the Istanbul Welcome Card. The VIP Combo Ticket for Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, and the Basilica Cistern is the best way to see Istanbul’s most famous sights. Located within easy walking distance of one another on the Historical Peninsula, the three attractions included in this special ticket provide fast-track entry and skip-the-line privileges.

We highly suggest this for first-time tourists and those on a tighter budget. Topkapi Palace is so close to Hagia Sophia and the Basilica Cistern that most travelers visit all three sites on the same day. If you’re interested in seeing many events, buying a combo ticket is your best bet. Choose from the available bundle tickets.

Are There Any Combined Tickets or Tours Available?

By purchasing a VIP Combo Ticket, you may save time and money while seeing three of Istanbul’s most visited landmarks. This ticket grants you fast-track entry to all three attractions, so you won’t have to waste time waiting in line.

Tours typically last between 30 minutes and 45 minutes, include all admission costs, and a knowledgeable guide who speaks English. Highlight The Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace Audio Apps are available in nine languages for iOS and Android devices (English, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Arabic, Chinese, and Turkish), and each museum has an official tour guide.

Any Discount Available?

There will be a further 5% off for everybody who uses our website. Make sure the lower price is shown on the official website after clicking the red button below.

VIP Admission to Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, and the Basilica Cistern

The Hagia Sophia is conveniently located near many bus lines. It won’t take you more than a few minutes to reach the Sultanahmet tram station. It’s also possible to use a cab or ride-sharing service to get there.

Best Time to Visit the Hagia Sophia

If you want to beat the crowds, your best bet is to go either very early or very late. Due to its religious purpose, the mosque is closed to the public during the five daily prayer periods.

Travel Advice for the Hagia Sophia

Dress modestly and show respect for the local religion.

Head coverings are required for women, and shoes must be taken off at the door.

Plan ahead and take a guided tour to get the most out of your trip.

Keep in mind that the centuries-old tales inscribed on the walls of Hagia Sophia add to the building’s splendor. Use our trips as a springboard to uncovering these stories.